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It is well documented that the Hopkins School District is struggling. Once one of the top school districts in the state, Hopkins has been in decline for over a decade. For the 2023-2024 school year, over 2,200 students from Hopkins chose to open-enroll in other districts. The district's struggles are related to several issues:

Academic Growth and Proficiency

Since 2017, academic proficiency across all demographic groups is declining at an alarming rate, and students of color, low-income students, and English learners in neighboring districts are doing better.


(Source: Minnesota Report Card)

Financial Responsibility

The district is facing persistent budget shortfalls. Since 2017, classroom spending has increased 23% (below inflation), while district admin cost per student surged +202%. HSA analyzes how public dollars are allocated within the district to determine how spending can be more student and educator-focused.

(Source: Minnesota Department of Education)

School Safety & Bullying/Harrasment

In recent years, documented and undocumented physical altercations in Hopkins schools have increased, compromising the safety of students and staff. Students' perception of safety at school has declined (Minnesota Report Card Student Survey). HSA is committed to fostering an effective partnership between the district and local law enforcement and EMS partners to ensure safety of students and staff. We also advocate for policies and practices that promote appropriate consequences for those who violate the student code of conduct.

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